Cellulitis adalah infeksi bakteri yang menyebar dibawah kulit. Ini biasanya disebabkan oleh bakteri : Streptococcus (pneomoniae) , Staphylococcus (aureus) , Escherichia.Anaerobes : Fusobacterium , Peptostrept. Previously , the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) adalah penyebab celulitis utama pada anak-anak
Kata "cellulitis" berarti "radang sel." Specifically, cellulitings refers to an infection of the tissue just below the skin surface. Skin is the first defense against invading bacteria and other microbes. An infection can occur when this normally strong barrier is damaged due to surgery, injury, or a burn. Usually, the immune system kills any invading bacteria, but sometimes the bacteria are able to grow and cause an infection.
Kata "cellulitis" berarti "radang sel." Specifically, cellulitings refers to an infection of the tissue just below the skin surface. Skin is the first defense against invading bacteria and other microbes. An infection can occur when this normally strong barrier is damaged due to surgery, injury, or a burn. Usually, the immune system kills any invading bacteria, but sometimes the bacteria are able to grow and cause an infection.